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Image by Levi Guzman


Formation Facilitator National Gathering

We are pleased to invite you to gather with all the CGSAC Formation Facilitators
and our special guest Rebekah Rojcewicz 
Sunday, October 16, 2023
Sunday, October 16, 2023
Behold I Make All Things New

St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica
65 Bond St, Toronto, ON
M5B 1X1


8:00 a.m. Cathedral Mass

Cathedral Atrium (enter directly through the Cathedral)
9:00 Welcome
9:10 Meditation: “The Call of the Formation Facilitator ” – Rebekah Rojcewicz
- Question: "Why is our remaining with the children in the atrium so important to our work as a Formation Facilitator?"
9:40 Breakout Sessions
- 1) FF Recognition Process and Application - for Level 3 catechists in discernment
- 2) Album Builder Launch– for Formation Facilitators
11:00 Break
11:15 Modeling the Formation Course on the Life of the Atrium – Rebekah Rojcewicz
- Question: "How do we do this, and why is it so important?"
12:00 Lunch & Social
1:30 End

Registration Deadline:

October 1st


(includes lunch & break snacks)



Booking a Flight:

The main airport is Pearson International (Air Canada, WestJet, Swoop, Flair). Book soon to obtain the lowest fare.

Guests arriving from Western Canada are eligible for reimbursement of their air fare.

To claim your air fare- fill out the CGSAC expense claim form (see below), attach your receipt & paper boarding pass and mail to the CGSAC Treasurer at the address on the bottom of the expense claim form.

Transportation to downtown Toronto from Pearson airport:

Take the Train (UP Express ) to Union Station ( 25 minutes)
Then arrange for a cab or Uber to the venue or your accommodation.

Finding a place to stay:

To explore accommodation options, please refer to St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica address listed above or Corpus Christi Parish, 16 Lockwood Rd. Toronto, ON M4L 3M8
if you plan to attend there for the Annual Gathering.

I would like to register for the National FF Gathering taking place Sunday, October 16, 2022

Formation Facilitator National Gathering



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